Delivery Orders
Fiscal Year 2021: October 1, 2020 - September 30, 2021
Delivery Orders for purchases of commodities and contractual services through Countywide Master Agreements (Term Contracts) in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, Florida Statues for CATEGORY THREE procurements:
Countywide Master Agreement - Heavy Trucks and Equipment - CMA 68055521 Piggyback
Cab & Chassis Truck (DO 121 12142000000000004864)
Loader Backhoe Caterpillar (DO 121 12152000000000004885)
Countywide Master Agreement - Uniformed Security Guard Services - CMA 680 17015RC
Uniformed Security Guards (DO 120 08032100000000018101)
Countywide Master Agreement - Elevator, Escalator, Maintenance and Repair - CMA 680 16001D
Elevator, Escalator Maintenance (DO 05082000000000013776)
Elevator, Escalator Maintenance (DO 10072000000000000476)