Limited restrooms are available on Concourse B. Additional restrooms are available pre-security and on Concourse A.

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ADA Assistance

Airline Specific Accommodations

Not every airline offers the same accommodation(s). Please contact your airline directly and look into the airline specific policies and procedures regarding services they are able to provide passengers with disabilities. Additionally, each airline has a Complaint Resolution Official (CRO) or a supervisor that is the airline’s expert on disability-related matters. The CRO usually has the authority to resolve complaints on behalf of the airline. 

TSA Security Checkpoint – TSA Cares

The TSA has a helpline available for travelers with disabilities and medical conditions. TSA Cares is a helpline that provides travelers with disabilities, medical conditions and other special circumstances additional assistance during the security screening process. Information regarding the TSA Cares program can be found online at Passengers can contact TSA Cares at 855-787-2227, Federal Relay: 711, or by email at . TSA asks that inquiries are made at least 72 hours prior to traveling for questions regarding screening policies, procedures and what to expect at security checkpoints.