Fiscal Year 2024: October 1, 2023 - September 30, 2024
All contracts and amendments for purchases of commodities and contractual services approved by Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners are available at the following link and may be found on each Agenda under "Airports":
Contracts/amendments in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, Florida Statues for CATEGORY FIVE procurements:
Amend. No. 11 to CM Risk Contract WO MC 21 MORGANTI (Item 5B1_10-3-23)
Amend. No. 1 to General Consulting Agreement AVCON (Item 3F3_10-3-23)
Monthly Elevator Escalator Maintenance CMA 21027A
Airfield Lighting Sytems, ADB Safegate Americas Parts (PBIA) SS450919B
Noise Office Service Agreement KMA SS200401
Generator-Diesel Pump - Maint-Inspect-Test-Repair (PBIA) CMA 20007C
Amend. No. 1 w-HDR Engineering (Item 6B1 7-11-23)
Amend. No. 10 to CM @ Risk Contract - Morganti (Item 6B-2 7-11-23)
Amend. No. 12 to CM @ Risk Contract - Morganti (Item 6B3 7-11-23)
SP Plus - Parking Management Agmt. (Item 6B-5 7-11-23)
Central Airfield Improv. (Item 5A3 5-16-23)
FAM Airfield Marking Services Agenda (Item 5A1 5-16-23)
Ricondo Amend. No. 1 (Item 5A1 5-16-23)
Horsepower Electric (5A1 5-2-23)
RS&H Amend. No. 8 (Item 5B2 4-18-23)
C.O. No. 1 (WO SCC 01) Conc. B (Item 5B1 4-18-23)
HUB Parking Technology (Item 5A1, 11-15-22)
ERMC Passenger Loading Bridge & Facilities Renewal (Item 5A2,11-15-22)
CUPPS - Collins Aerospace (Item 5A2, 1-10-23)
Amend. No. 9 (WO MC 16) - Morganti (Item 6A1, 2-7-23)
AECOM Amend. No 10 (Item 6A2, 2-7-23)
WO SCC 01 - Suffolk Const. - Conc B Expansion (Item 6A4, 2-7-23)
Alen Const. - Short Term Parking Garages 2 (Item 6A5, 2-7-23)
Baggage Handling System - JBT (Item 6A6, 2-7-23)
5A1 Amed. No. 8 (WO MC 02) (Item 5A1,12-20-22)
Development Site Lease Agreement Popstroke (Item 6J1)
Janitorial Services Contract Extension TRIANGLE (Item 5B1_919-23)
Monthly Elevator Escalator Maintenance CMA 21027A
Airfield Lighting Systems, ADB Safegate Americas Parts (PBIA) SS450919B
Price Agreement ARFF Vehicle Rosenbauer (Item 5A1_12-19-23)
Change Order 7 to Amend. 1 Suffolk (Item3F7_12-19-23)
Gen. Consult. Agreement EXP (Item 5A2_12-05-23)
Amend. No. 10 RS&H (item 3F6_11-07-23)
Amend. No. 12 Morganti (Item 3F5_12-19-23)
Amend. No. 1 AECOM (Item 5A1_11-07-23)
Amend. No. 2 AVCON (Item 3F4_12-19-23)
Change Order No. 1 Morganti (Item 3F4_1-23-24)
Amend. No. 2 Ricondo (Item 3F6_1-23-24)
Amend. No. 2 AECOM (Item 6A1_1-23-24)
Change Order No. 2 Ranger (Item 3F7_3-5-24)
Change Order 3 Alen (Item 3F5_11-07-23)
Janitorial Services at PBI Agenda (Item 5A1_11-21-23)
Amend. No. 3 Ricondo (Item 3F5_5_14_24)
Amend No. 3 Suffolk (Item 5A4_6_ 11_24)
LN 24-02 LNA RWY 10-28 Surface Treatment Ranger (Item 3F8_6_11_24)
LN 24-08_West Apron Pavement Reconstruction Ranger (Item 5A3_6_11_24)
Amendment No. 3 AECOM (Item 6A1_7_2_24)
Amendment No. 6 Turner (Item 6A2_7-2-24)
Amendment No. 12 RS&H (Item 6A3_7-2-24)
SP Plus GT Management Agmt R2024-0719 with Agenda 6-11-24
Regular Item - 6A2 Passenger Boarding Bridges ERMC
2024 12.05.23 FORM L- CMA 21070A
Amendment No. 1 Ranger (Item 6C1_8_20_24)
Amendment No. 3 HDR (Item 6C2_8_20_24)
Amendment No. 4 Ricondo (Item 3F6_8_20_24)
Change Order No. 13 to Amendment No. 1 Project PB 20-11 (Item 3F9_8_20_24)