Palm Beach County, the operator of Palm Beach International Airport, is seeking qualified firms to
respond to Invitation for Bids (Bid) for the Airport Ground Transportation Concession. One (1)
opportunity is available.
The Bid documents will be available on or about March 4, 2015. There will be a mandatory prebid
conference on March 17, 2015 at 2:00 PM, Local Time, and bids will be due on April 17, 2015
until the hour of 2:00 PM, unless otherwise noted in the Bid package or a subsequent
After the issue date, the Bid will be available online at or by
Ray Walter
Director of Properties
Department of Airports
846 Palm Beach International Airport
West Palm Beach, FL 33406-1470
Telephone: (561) 471-7429
Fax No: (561) 471-7427
There will be a non-refundable service charge of $75.00 to obtain a paper copy of the Bid.
Checks or Money Orders should be made payable to the Palm Beach County Board of County
Commissioners. Please include your name, address, telephone number and Bid #PB 15-8 with
your Check or Money Order.
Public participation is solicited without regard to race, sex, color, religion, creed, ancestry,
national origin, disability, familial status, sexual orientation, age, marital status, gender identity or expression or genetic information. Persons who require accommodations under the Americans
with Disabilities Act or who require translation services should contact the individual listed above
at least seven (7) days in advance of the conference. Hearing impaired individuals are requested
to telephone the Florida Relay System at #711
- Bid PB 15-8 Notice (Spanish)
- PB 15-8 Invitation for Bid
- Amendment No. 1 to Invitation for Bid No. PB-15-8